You are here: Contacts > Manage and create prospects > Manage the listings in your Prospect Carts

Manage the listings in your Prospect Carts

Each of your prospects has a Prospect Cart for keeping track of listings. Each cart is divided into four tabs: Newly Matched, Agent Recommended, Saved and Rejected. When you look at your list of contacts (from the Contacts menu, choose Contacts/Prospects) you can see at a glance how many listings are in each prospect's cart tabs, using the color-coded numbers next to the prospect's name. In the example pictured below, prospect Phillip Jones has 18 listings in the Newly Matched tab, 4 in the Agent Recommended tab, 7 in the Saved tab, and 2 Rejected tab:

By clicking on one of the color-coded numbers, you can access that tab in the Prospect Cart.

Newly Matched tab: Listings are automatically added to this tab when you run a prospect search, or if you have auto-prospecting set up for your prospect.

Agent Recommended tab: This is where you can keep listings that might be of interest to your prospect. Prospects cannot move items into this cart, but they can move listings from this cart to the Saved or Rejected tabs.

Saved tab: This is where prospects can keep listings that are of interest to them. See Prospect cart features for more details.

Rejected tab: This is where you want to keep listings that the prospect is NOT interested in even though they may match the prospect's search criteria. Listings can be moved to this tab by either you or your prospect. Having a listing in the Rejected tab prevents it from being re-added to the prospect's Newly Matched tab the next time you run a prospect search. However, auto-prospecting will still e-mail the listing if it changes, since that change may make it more desirable.

TIP: View the video tutorials under the "Contacts & Prospects" section on the Learning Center for a quick overview of this feature. The Learning Center can also be accessed directly from the Help menu.

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